Sally Richardson’s work aims to both celebrate and critique vintage textile pieces. It explores both their social and gendered nature using three key themes. The first theme is repetition. Using a range of knitting, crochet, lace, and tatting to inform her drawing, she hopes to give a sense of the methodical and monotonous nature of both the textile pieces and her drawing. Second, using doilies as an example, Sally aims to show how these were used as a symbol of respectability and femininity but have since become redundant, now more likely to be viewed as out of date and a sign of old age. Third, by creating drawings on pages of instructional textile magazines Sally tries to highlight the way in which the instructions actively prevent creativity by providing a set of compulsory steps which undermine any artistic intervention.
© Sally Richardson
"The Art of the Doily"
7.15 pm on 9 November 2016
at Iffley Village Church Hall, Iffley, OX4 4EG.
Visitors welcome £6.00